Trunks Blues
The Super Saiyan Dragon Ball Super series began as Manga, created by Akira Toriyama, a sequel to Dragon Ball Z and Toei's Dragon Ball GT. In the Manga series, Trunks and his mom Bulma had the same purple hair color, but when Toei bought it, they decided to make some funky changes. To liven the show a bit, Toei changed mom's hair color to blue but made no changes to Trunks.
Why? No one knows for sure, but there's huge speculation about the reason for this. Many believe it to be a fashion statement. So blue hair was in, especially for the ladies. This was a chance to build a connection with the female audience. Or, The Toei studio couldn't tell from the comic which color to choose, so out of compromise used both colors, blue for mom and purple for son. In either case, the choice gave room to speculation among fans.
Later on down the line, Toriyama changed his hair to blue to maintain consistency with family lineage. Since then, Toriyama and Toei have been back and forth about hair color. Finally, a compromise was to work it into the time travel narrative. As a result, present Trunks maintains his purple locks while Future Trunks sports blue hair. But how does this work for the story?
Trunks Blues: The Fan Fiction
Time travel is a significant part of the DBS storyline. Since Future Trunks is a time traveler, time travel caused his hair color to fluctuate. Every action generates a hair color change. This is laughable, but hey, it's fiction; anything can be written. The actual storyline kind of goes the same way.
Future Trunks went back in time so much that he created alternate timelines. In one timeline, he's happy, and everything is all good, and in the other timeline, he suffers something major. To combat his suffering, Trunks yet again travels through time. He's worse than the Flash trying to save his mother. Trunk's color flux may have nothing to do with the storyline at all. Contractual issues could weigh in here. Toei couldn't change the Trunk's character but had room to adapt otherwise.
Another common consensus among fans is: hair color changes from childhood to adulthood. Again, too funny; It's rare for hair color to be bipolar. But again, we could go back and forth on this all day.
Trunks Blues: the Non-Fiction
It also allows creators to explore character concepts to draw in new audiences and cater to different age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds. Expansion needs writers and each with their own ideas. Finally, the Dragon Ball Universe is over 30 years old, not the oldest comic but old enough to change hands quite a bit. These factors play into the Trunks we see today.
Two, money. There's huge profit in adaptations. Ask Netflix how much they're funneling in from them. Let's not forget about the toys. One of the most profitable businesses in entertainment history is the toy line. Disney makes millions from their entertainment franchises in toy sales alone. Toy manufacturers like Bandai and Funko rake in similar profits from DBZU collectibles and wears. Selling Trunks with blue and purple hair has its advantages. Dragon Ball fans love the changes. Change fuels creativity, year long rants, and fresh content. There's always something to say about Dragon Ball.
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