What if Shinji Ikari did save the world? In the alternate reality of Neon Genesis Evangelion Anima, this tantalizing question is explored. Instead of triggering the Third Impact, Shinji successfully prevents it, allowing humanity to continue its existence...
Read moreRe:Zero - Journey Through Madness So you've heard about the show from everybody, right? Your friends, your parents, your cousins, your grandma, your dog—you don't even own a dog! Everybody's telling...
Read moreHave you watched the anime Nanatsu no Taizai? It is an anime about a princess who wants to save her kingd...
Read moreResin Figures vs PVC: A Comparison: For anime enthusiasts worldwide, figure collecting is a popular and exciting hobby. With so many materials, selecting the right one is crucial. Read more
Why is Future Trunks Hair Blue? The Dragon Ball Super saga kicked off as a manga, dreamed up by Akira Toriyama as a follow-up to Dragon Ball Z and Toei's Dragon Ball GT. In t...
Read moreFrom Manga to Big Screen: The Cyberpunk Journey of Alita: Battle Angel In 2019, the cyberpunk world of Alita: Battle Angel exploded onto cinema screens worldwide, captivating audiences with its stunning visuals and heart-pounding action. ...
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